onsdag 10. mars 2010

The sickness within.

The sickness within, when the body seem corrupt the blood cells will mutate and attack from within the border, killing its own kind. There is no way to explain it, why white blood cells suddenly change their behavior and try to pull down the structure it also is dependent on to exist. If all falls down, chaos will come and from chaos comes order or anarchy.

It is surely a sign of sickness when cells starts attacking other cells, but where the sickness lies is a question of prospective. The cells do not attack what it see as perfectly healthy, but what it sees as sick, as decadent and depraved. If you believe this to be absolute you act upon it. Somewhere things have to change, somewhere human kind must change its ways and see life as a common course, see that we are all walking on the same path and to reach the goal we must collaborate to pull mankind’s biggest challenge off the doomed wagon. We are fucking up, big time, and we are the ones with the power to change that. If civilization breaks down, it will put us up to the final test and I believe it will put us to the wall for extinction if our ways don’t change.

Are we nothing but a parasite on a rock moving through space, are we clinging onto a host that eventually will try to shake us of and kick us into the cold darkness of the universe? And don’t believe the hype of how precious life is, if we where no more, the universe would not even notice our absence.

Cynical? Well, make a diagnosis and find a cure. Nature always does.


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