tirsdag 16. februar 2010

Freedom of press or a pack of harassing bullys?

3000 Muslims walk the quiet steps of a peaceful protest. They are by all means by their full rights to utter their disgust for what the papers claim to be “Freedom of the press”. But what amazes me is how most religious people, Christians as Muslims, Jews as Catholic still has that outwards focus in their belief. When it comes to religion it is not important what happens outside your mind, all that matters is that your belief contribute to you being a better human, a better person, leading a better life, helping those around you, making you community a better place to live. All religion should have the inward focus. The individuals must seek inside them self and work with their own issues, fighting the urges that are pictured as the sins. There are no sins that will condemn you to the hell of purgatory and there are no utopian afterlife. If there on the other hand IS a heaven to ascend to, well what a fucking bonus. And if you are to enter that heavenly Utopia your actions as a human being should be your ticket in, not what you believed in. Religion is no insurance that grant you access. Heaven and hell are right here, and the kingdom is within your very lives. But for this kingdom to work, we all need to cooperate the machinery that stand before us.

Religion has through the ages fought for the right of salvation. What must be understood is that WHAT you believe in is not important, as long as what you believe in makes you a BETTER PERSON. So much blood, so many lives has already been spilled because of the misunderstood conception of the religious meaning. Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and all those spiritually enlightened pioneers can’t have wanted so many people to suffer on behalf of what they started. All religion are, from the early days of their birth, meant to help people to cope with their lives, help them to be better humans and for them to prosper en enhance. Only a dictator grasp the hand of war, only a mad man see the way of death, only a man without the focus of mankind will seek the death of others and hide behind the shield of religion.

And, as a last line, we must not dwell on the past. Those who are dead, those who have been killed are water under the bridge now. Revenge will only destroy us all. We must learn from history to secure a better future for our children, for our grandchildren, for the future of mankind. If we still choose to fight over land, power and which kind of hat our neighbors use, we are doomed to fail as humans. And if the Muslim community get pissed off because of those drawings, you are a fool to keep printing them as it is a waste of energy to let yourself be angered by them. It’s only a drawing, is it worth losing your live over? And what “Freedom of the press” boils down to, it is not worth printing if you know it will cause unnecessary tension. The most important things of all is knowledge and understanding. Know thy neighbor to understand his ways and respect the differences that lay on the other side of the fence.


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