tirsdag 21. september 2010

The young Adonis’ and the modern Helen of Troy’s unveiling the world.

I can’t say I read much of what other bloggers write, not that I don’t care, it’s just that I hardly have time to even write anything on my own. So reading blogs is way down on my to-do list. I rather read a book, and I do read a lot in that department. Well, a lot might be an exaggeration, I read about 10-15 books a year, that’s what I have time for. Right now Papillon by Henri Carriere is on my bedside table and that is by far better reading than any blog. That is kind of a backstabbing thing to say for someone filling a webpage with crap himself, hoping that some poor sod will stumble onto it for a quick read. But I have made an observation when it comes to blogging and I have a Q for the people, those few who wander into The Bucket (of waste). OK, here it is, my question of the day: Why are most of the bloggers, or at least the top-bloggers, mostly beautiful young people, preferably girls? What drive readers to the young and beautiful? Are there no… sorry for the expression, ugly chicks on the blog-train?

Do you have to be a young Adonis or a modern Helen of Troy to be readable? Is it the thoughts of the young and beautiful we crave or are the ugly ones just shell-minded people not worthy any attention? I don’t know why this looks like such a weird fact or maybe it’s not, maybe I am so wrong about this, but whenever I encounter a blog mentioned in the newspapers on the web, it is ALWAYS some young hot chick writing about the importance of whatever. The next Q that popped into my mind was; Who read these blogs? I might already be too old to understand this shit, but I’d guess guys would be the answer. Has blogs, facebook and flickr become a substitute for porn surfing? When reality shows are such a huge thing, it looks like people want reality with a screenplay, storyboard and a director. And that is also the case for porn, with Voyeurism and some couple caught on camera and pix of girls gone wild and young drunk whoever caught naked or flashing boobs, being violated on some sleazy web page. Is reading the blogs of these young and beautiful nothing more than a way of masturbating?

I’d like to read the blog of some ugly, fat chick. I’d like to see her on top of the “10 top blogs” list. I’d like to read about her encounters with the world, her latest lay, trip to the movies or what she think is gonna be the next big thing. When young people, good looking or not, writes about something that matters more than shoes, shopping, a crazy in-party or posting pictures of a trip to the park, I say good, post some words for the world that is worth reading. But somehow they always seem to look like cover girls, like they were dumped from the latest video shoot of some new Lady Gaga video. I too like to look at beauty, but when I read, what she or he looks like doesn’t really matter.

So come on, find me a fat & ugly one that writes about the world and I’ll read her or his stuff right on.


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